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Simon Sinek & Leadership

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek is on my desk these days. After reading his last book, Start With Why, I am anticipating a few great insights. Yes, it’s another leadership-self-help book, one of hundreds you could put your hands on these days. And can each of those books really have all the answers? No. Not even close. Most of them are regurgitating ideas with a new fresh little spin. So what about Sinek? Has he brought anything new? That remains to be seen, I’ll let you know when I finish it. For now, this quote has jumped off the page and left me pondering: “When people have to manage danger from inside the organization, the organization itself becomes less able to face the dangers from outside. ” Sinek goes on to say how ‘truly human leadership’, as he has coined it, can protect an organization from internal rivalry. Now, I must admit, I like the theory. If the team on the inside is disjointed, misaligned and facing animosity, how can it begin to work in a cohesive manner and propel the organization through troubled times? It can’t. It doesn't have the energy or momentum. What characteristics translate into this truly human type of leadership?

  1. Inspire cooperation, trust and loyalty

  2. Share similar values between the leader, the people and the organization

  3. Willingness to succeed combined with a desire to progress

  4. Empathy to prioritize the well-being of the people

  5. Listen with an openness and real curiosity

Nothing new here, is there? These are all very well dictated theories. The juicy magic, in my opinion, lies in the application and that is where the true leaders shine. How many leaders can take all of these areas and blend them together into a work of art. An organization and a team, now there's the canvas, and all the individuals are the rainbow of colors on the palate. The leader holds the paint brush! Look at the list again. Anyone can quote these. Many can say they believe them. A handful can be masters in one or two areas. But only a select few can actually say that yes, they live and breathe these characteristics, day in and day out. What category do you fit in? Do you quote them but fail to follow through? Believe them and try to implement? Or are you a master at a few and ignore the others? Where would you like to be? And what are you doing about it?

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