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15 Minutes With A Stranger

You never know who you’re going to meet on any given day or what impact they will have on your life. I believe how you show up is paramount to what you receive.

I’ve learned to release myself from expectation setting and potentially being disappointed. I show up, listen and see what shows up to be learned in return. And without fail, I receive gems of inspiration and motivation.

So what happens when the next stranger you meet is a psychic?

Okay, let’s be clear, it wasn’t a haphazard interaction. I walked up to her booth and paid for her insights. Or rather, to be more transparent, a girlfriend goaded me into having a reading. My first one ever. Curious? Yes. Skeptical? Definitely.

Before she began, I had to remind myself of these simple concepts I use during most conversations:

  • Set no expectations

  • Listen deeply

  • Be curious

  • Learn something

  • Have gratitude for the interaction

So what showed up during that reading that resonated with me? Well, she knew things that she shouldn’t have and I’d love to know how she did that!

But more importantly, she reminded me of some simple things that I had lost sight of. Things I needed to hear.

Now when you look at the list below, they will seem generic and obvious to you. However, for me and where I’m at now, along with other parts of the conversation I’ll leave out, they hit accord with me. I listened to her comments and let it land exactly where it needed to.

  1. Get more FOCUS. (Funny, that’s one of the things I teach my clients, yet I know it’s a work in progress with my own business. With focus comes clarity and purpose.)

  2. Find PATIENCE. (Oh yes, I want it all and I want it now. Sound familiar? But we can’t manage the energy that others bring; we can only manage how we show up.)

  3. Change your APPROACH. (Feeling stuck? Well then shift and move. One step at a time.)

  4. Stop working from FEAR. (Holding back is not helping anyone, especially myself. What’s the true cost of holding back?)

  5. Quit trying to CONTROL. (I laughed out loud. I am the master controller. This one will be a challenge for sure.)

  6. Enjoy the JOURNEY. (When I want to know the outcomes before I even start something, I’m losing sight of the adventure. Learn how to look around and find gems in the present moments.)

The final prize? I had recorded this conversation. I’ve relistened to it a few times already and each time I do, something else pops up for me.

Now I know you’re asking yourself… does she actually believe in psychic abilities? It doesn’t matter if I do or don’t. What matters is that I had a conversation with a stranger that shifted my perspectives.

The real message here… 15 minutes with a stranger can open your eyes and plant nuggets of wisdom into your life. All you have to do is show up and listen.

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