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Monday morning blues. 5 quick fixes to get you over the hump.

It's Monday. Again. If you're like most people, that means setting the alarm, getting up early and heading into work. - Maybe it's a job you love, but you're not a morning person. - Maybe it's a job you hate, but you can't break free of it yet. - Or maybe you're somewhere inbetween and just working through the details of making your awesome career a reality. Whatever your story is, Mondays can be tough. But they don't have to be. Try these simple tactics to change your perspective. 1. Eat your favorite all time breakfast. Make it a treat, something to look forward to. And if you don't have time to whip up an eggs benie, then settling for some egg muffins you made the night before, The protein will fill you up and give you the stamina to get through to lunch. Check out recipes by Suzanne Somers for great muffin ideas. Just don't go too heavy, unless you're prepared to burn it off. 2. Get some exercise in. Wake up earlier than normal, (I know, this is hard enough already) and go for a walk/jog or run on the elliptical/treadmill, whatever gets your heart pumping with clean, fresh, lovely oxygen. The endorphins you'll receive will last hours and get you through that morningin lull at work. Never mind it's giving you your workout for the day!! 3. Crank the tunes. There's nothing like blasting your favorite music as you get ready for work and during your commute. Music can energize you and set the tone for your attitude. Try the Songza app to change it up and broaden your musical range. 4. Yoga. If you're the quite riser that needs time to wake up, try adding a morning yoga routine. It can be 5 minutes or 60, whatever works for you. The poses will gently stretch your muscles and get your body prepared for the day ahead. 5. Clean out your lungs. Breathe. Yes, the air in your lungs becomes stale and needs to be circulated out. Just like a stuffy car that's been sitting in the heat. Try breating in for 10 counts, hold for 10, then exhale for 10. Do this 10 times. You should notice that after the first few, you can actually feel the fresh air in your lungs, its amazing! This can be done a few times a day, when driving, sitting at your desk, watching TV, making dinner. Whenever you need to freshen up. There you have it. 5 energizing actions to get you over the Monday morning blues. And the great part is.... you can repeat them on Tuesday , Wednesday or whenever you need a boost ......

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