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It’s the season for change

As I sit on my deck, the sun is beating on my face. It’s October 19th in Calgary. I’m squeezing out as much ‘deck office’ time as possible, knowing full well that this fall weather is a blessing… as it won’t last forever. I’m looking at the host of trees that surround me, all in luscious shades of red, orange, yellow and green. I’m amazed by the beauty in this city and in my own backyard. As a wind gust sends leaves onto the deck, I know that big change is coming. I don’t need to describe the change, you know what I’m talking about… that 4 letter word that Canadians have a love-hate relationship with. I begin to ponder… what if you could make a correlation between your career and nature? What if you were so in touch with your career that you could tell what season you were (with your career) in and what was going to happen next? If you knew this, would you prepare differently? I imagine my career seasons would be something like this:

  • Spring = growth and development of a new skill, role, responsibility, project, company

  • Summer = basking in the glory of the ‘fit’ between you and your career, not wanting anything to change and being comfortable with what is present

  • Fall = the novelty has worn off, the winds of change are felt and your surroundings are presenting new opportunities and viewpoints to you

  • Winter = baren, isolated, stuck and yearning for an improvement to occur, renewal is right around the corner

What career season are you in?

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