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Are you ready to make a career move?

How do you know when it’s time to finally move on and make a change in your career? Well, if you’re reading this, you’re likely part of the way there already!

Go through this quick checklist and count how many times you answer YES:

  • Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning on a work day?

  • Is the bounce gone from your step, the smile from your face?

  • Do you sit at your desk (or whatever your work location is) and procrastinate the day away?

  • Are you putting in less than 100% effort in your work on a consistent basis?

  • Do you watch the clock all day?

  • Are you using food or caffeine to keep you energized to get through the day?

  • Have you had any exhilarating accomplishments in the last week related to your career?

  • Are you daydreaming about a different life for yourself, where you’re constantly happy and fulfilled?

  • Do negative thoughts creep into your day, based on the activities you’re performing or not performing?

  • Are you comparing yourself to someone else in the organization, knowing that you can do their job better?

  • Is there a deep seated passion brewing within you, for something new and exciting?

  • Are you finding fault with your peers, co-workers and management on a regular basis?

  • Have you been talking with family and friends about your career dissatisfaction?

  • Are you looking at job postings to see what’s out there?

  • Have you already “checked out” from your job and responsibilities?

If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, you’re not totally satisfied with your career. No big surprise there, is it? But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time for a complete change. Go back through the list. Which ones resonated with you? Are there little tweaks that you can make to your job that would fulfill you? Or are you more than ready to take the leap into a new career direction altogether? Now, don’t just close this and get back to your dissatisfied life. You’ve come this far, keep it going. It’s time to get to work…. work on making your career important to you, gratifying, enjoying. Don’t turn your back on yourself again. You’re worth more than that. Wherever you are, right now, you’re right where you need to be. No hesitation. No second guessing yourself. Deep breath. And feel what you need to feel. Think what you want. Don’t fight it. Close your eyes and imagine what could lie ahead for you. Let it come to you in big, juicy waves of cool water. Smile. And enjoy the visions. Do what you are meant to do. Yes, you’ll figure it out. You already know. You just need to trust yourself. And now, go for it. Don’t waste any more time in your amazing life. Create what you know you want, what you’re more than capable of, what you desire!! You got this!

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