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Are you fighting to survive or slowing sinking?

Do you feel like you're in a never ending struggle? There's always 5 more things to get done but you don't have the time or energy to expend. And no matter how much you get done in a day, that list seems to keep growing. You're exhausted, both mentally and physically. You don't even feel like you can tread water anymore. You're beginning to give up. You can't do this anymore. Yet, you know deep down, it's not all lost. Not yet. Know this. You are not alone. Look around you. Everyone has their own struggles. Some just hide them better than others. Some deny them. Some ignore them, continuing to plow through the days and bury their issues. Yet at some point, they're going to trip. They're going to fall. They're going to drown in their own sorrows and suffering. Know this. There is a solution. For you. For them. For each of us. If we want it. If we can crave it enough to make it a reality. It can happen. Try this. Step 1. Take 5 minutes. Write down everything that's weighing you down. And I mean everything. All the fighting that's going on. The struggles. The todo lists. Just puke it all up, get it out of your system. No one will see this list but you. Get it off your shoulders and onto paper or computer, whatever works. There's something cathartic about the process and you should feel lighter, a sense of floating now that you've taken the weights off. Entitle this list "I'm fighting". Step 2. Take 5 minutes. Close your eyes. And explore. Dig deep into your heart. What do you truly need? At the center of your being, what desires are burning? It's not the new car, or the jeans, the living room furniture, the $10K bonus. It's not a clean house, a promotion or a trip to Fiji ( well okay, maybe the trip!!) Wipe away those noise makers, the clutter, the distractions. What do YOU want? Be genuine. Be honest. Be real. There's no judgement when you're talking to yourself. Only truth and love for the being that you are. Don't lie to yourself, no sugar coating it, its simple... What do YOU want? What do YOU need? Know this. You are enough. Right now. Just as you are. Period. Step 3. Now take a clean peice of paper. Jot down the thoughts that came up during your exploration in step 2. The root of your desires. The glorious burning fire within you. The freedom. The nirvana of your life. Entitle this list "I'm floating". Step 4. Here's your ah-ha moment. Revisit both lists. One by one, ask yourself... " does this "fighting" item give me what I want? what I need? does it satisfy my cravings? Does it make me "float"? If it does, awesome, highlight it and make it a priority for you. This is where your energy must go... every waking moment should be on these items that will bring you closer to your core desired truths. But every fighting item on the list that does not align with your floating step 2 list, must go. Strike it out, Get rid of it. It is no longer necessary in your life. It's causing you to drown, unnecessarily. Hire someone else to do it, delegate it, ask for help or just agree that it has to go, it's no longer a priority in your life. Just get rid of it. Those items are preventing you from moving towards nirvana. Kick them to the curb. Know this. Life is too short to struggle every day. It should be about the love that you share, the fun that you have, the memories you make and the legacy you leave. That's it. The rest is noise. Now... lay back, floating in the warm waters of your life, gazing at the stars and start to breathe again. Big, full, deep breaths. No more fighting to survive or sinking into the depths of your dispair. Rise above that crap. Rise to the surface knowing that now, you're that much closer to soaring with the birds. You can do this. You got it.

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