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Transform your mood in 3 minutes

Do you ever have one of those days where it starts out great, but goes downhill in a heartbeat because of an event you weren’t expecting? Or are you more prone to wake up and know instantly that it’s going to be “one of those days” before your feet hit the floor? When that happens to me, I sometimes get into a slump that snowballs in a hurry. Productivity slides. Give-a-sh## goes out the window. Posture, demeanor and attitude take a beating. What starts out as a little roadblock turns into a 10 mile detour through hades. Sound familiar? When this snowball syndrome kicks in, your mood takes a beating. This has a direct correlation to everything else you’re going through… whether it’s anger, frustration, sadness, overwhelm or anxiety. Typical responses: 1. Getting lost in social media 2. Eating, drinking or smoking 3. Talking to a friend/peer to commiserate on how bad it is 4. Playing games 5. Loading up your plate with busy work 6. Curling up on the couch with the remote 7. Cleaning These are all distraction techniques that help you to ignore what’s really going on. But do they actually transform your mood so that you can move forward? Or simply numb it, so it doesn’t feel so bad? I have a surefire solution that works for me. The technique usually takes about 3 minutes. It pulls me out of the slump. It gets my creative juices flowing again and moves me into problem solving mode. From this place, I not only lift my spirits, but I return to being productive and can carry on pleasant interactions!! What is this transformational technique? It’s a special mixture of two key ingredients that are special just to you: Music and breathing. Create a playlist on your phone of your favorite, upbeat songs. The one’s you sing to and the one’s that get you moving. This is your mood enhancing playlist. It’s your go to, when you need a pick up. Now add in some deep breathing while you listen. The deeper the better… inhale so much through your nose that you think your lungs will explode, hold it for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Do this for the entire first song. Now check your mood. Any improvements? Depending on the situation, you may need a few songs, or maybe add a 10 minute walk while you listen and breathe, totally uninterrupted from others. For others, 1 song, 3 minutes is all it takes to start the transformation.

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