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The next generation of resolutions

There’s plenty of talk at this time of year about New Year’s resolutions. I fought it. I fought it hard. Why go through the agony of vowing to lose weight, for the 20th year, only to falter after a few days? Or eat better, stop working so much, cook more, get fit, and on and on and on? You know the saying… Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So this year, why not try something new? Create a YES and NO list for yourself that’s meaningful to you that pulls you toward a different journey this year and isn’t focused on the destination of destitute. Make it simple enough to remember, easy to SLOWLY integrate into your day and with enough latitude that rigid measurement isn’t allowed. Hang the list beside your work area. Put a copy on your night stand. Take a picture of it. Remind yourself daily of your aspirations. Try them on for size. Be curious with the changes you experience. Be gentle with failures. For best results, repeat, often.

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