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26 Experiences = ?

As I sit down to plan my calendar for the next few months, I am trying to be intentional about adding more into my life. What do I mean by more? Adventure and fun, a set workout routine, different recipes and restaurants, conferences, bucket list items, stepping outside the comfort zone, different work approaches and new experiences in general. Then it hit me.... I'm half way through the year and haven't had much in the category of "more" so far this year. I've played it safe, inside the box of normalcy and I'm bored with that. Now, it's time to change it up. It's time to live more intentionally, moving towards more of what I want in my life and less of what I don't. And for me, the only way to start doing it is to plan it! If its in my calendar, I have a much higher success rate of actually accomplishing it. Otherwise, the weeks fly by and the pharase "I'll do it sometime" becomes never. What if I did 1 new experience each week for the rest of the year? There's 26 weeks left in 2015. It's like setting a mid-year new-years resolution for my life. I have this sense of excitement running through me right now. Actually planning new experiences and making them happen. Checking things off the bucket list. Adding fun. And living.... intentionally... to have more.... My plan? I've already got the juices flowing with the "List of More". Week 1 is going to the Calgary Stampede fireworks, which I haven't seen in years. I'll be planning out the weeks and documenting the progress.

What will happen at the end of the 26 weeks? For me, it will be a new habit that has formed by intentionally adding more into my life. And I will continue the tradition yearly, increasing it to 52 in 2016! Will you try this experiment? What are some of the experiences on your "List of More"?

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